2024’s Biggest Wellness Trends Find Their Roots In Ayurveda

by | May 6, 2024 | Wellness, Lifestyle

The post-pandemic world has seen a significant shift in how people approach wellness. Moving past hustle culture and prioritising mental and physical health is finally cool. In addition to diet and exercise, various wellness rituals are gaining traction, with people customising their experiences to suit their needs.

As wellness trends would have it, the best of the lot find their roots in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine that emphasises holistic wellness through a balance of mind, body, and spirit. And here are the practices we anticipate taking over 2024 in a big way.


This Ayurvedic concept is a wholesome blend of ancient commandments and practical habits that can help achieve hormonal balance in the body. Waking up before the sun rises and following it up with a bit of yoga or meditation to wake up your body is highly recommended under Dinacharya. Rituals like everyday tongue scraping, a midday self-massage (Abhyanga) with warm oil and keeping up with your eating schedule are said to match the body’s rhythm with nature and, in turn, help you feel like your best self, inside and out.

The Pursuit Of Happiness

Those mindfulness memes might be new on your Instagram reels, but finding that sweet spot of bliss has been Ayurveda’s best-kept secret for years. It all begins with balancing the doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha – which, when decoded, can put everything in place in your life emotionally. This is why the discourse around leading the sattvic life – keeping things pure and harmonious – is trendy now.

You can also dive into the concept of Ojas, the vital essence you can cultivate through self-care rituals and treating yourself right. And finally, the tip is to be one with nature. It’s not just aesthetically pleasing, but something as simple as soaking up the morning sun and breathing in early morning fresh air can help you tap into the universe’s power source and channel it within yourself.


Dealing with stress has taken precedence over maintaining social appearances, and that makes sense in the fast-paced world. This is where adaptogens come in – the efficient regulators that keep your body’s stress response in check by balancing out the activity of certain glands – the hypothalamic, pituitary, and adrenal glands. They improve the way your body reacts to stress and can do wonders for regulating fatigue, hormonal imbalances, mood swings, stress, anxiety, and even depression.

If you’re reading this story, you’ve probably heard of a few. Holy basil, ashwagandha, liquorice, moringa, and even ginseng are highly sought in various formulations. Yes, they’re practical, but one must remember that these are not meticulous cures. It’s wise to approach cautiously and consult an expert before making them a part of your routine.

Somatic Therapies

If you’re one to bottle up your feelings, chances are you’re feeling the heavy baggage in your body, which is why somatic therapies, one where therapists work on your body to relieve it of trauma and stressful emotions, are viral now. Emotional detoxification, if you may.  Hands-on techniques like Marma therapy offer ways of gently working on your energy points to get things flowing smoothly, a gentle nudge to your body’s natural healing abilities. Or more advanced therapies like Shirodhara or Pizhichil bodywork techniques are like ancient secrets (not so secret anymore!) for addressing health issues while guiding you into bliss.

Dry Brushing 

Gwyneth Paltrow may have given dry brushing its “rich girl” energy, but in Ayurveda, the technique is called Garshana, and it’s been around for ages. A beauty-first practice that aids in lymphatic damage and gentle exfoliation, all you need for this is a natural bristle brush. Before hopping into the shower or bath, brush your arms and legs towards the heart with slow, long strokes. Once done, rinse off the dead skin cells in the shower, and follow with your favourite fragrant oils to complete the regime.

Oil Pulling

Anushka Sharma shocked her young fans by confessing that she swishes coconut oil in her mouth first thing in the morning. Gross, many chanted. But it is anything but because oil-pulling benefits beyond freshening your breath. It’s also believed to help remove harmful bacteria from your mouth, whiten your teeth, and give you healthier gums. It’s thought also to help detoxify your body by removing toxins through your mouth. Sesame, coconut, or sunflower oil—pick one and swish for about 15-20 minutes. Rinse and brush to finish!

Featured Image – ©instagram/janhvikapoor