Neptune Retrograde 2024: Offers Clarity And Encourages Self-Reflection

by | Jul 5, 2024 | Wellness, Lifestyle

Neptune, the planet of dreams, spirituality, karma, illusion, fantasy, empathy and creativity, is in retrograde this summer. Acceptance, forgiveness and closure are major themes during Neptune retrograde. When this happens, it is like a wake-up call, giving us a reality check.

A retrograde occurs when a planet appears to move backwards due to the Earth’s orbit around the Sun overtaking the orbit of that particular planet. In astrology, this period is considered as the perfect time for deep inner work. When planets are retrograde, it is believed that things might get chaotic, but we have to understand that this time also offers a unique chance for self-reflection.

What Is Neptune Retrograde?

Every year, Neptune retrogrades for almost five months. Neptune is the planet that helps someone feel that everything is okay, but when it is retrograde, it has a different influence.

Since Neptune is in charge of illusions and delusions, during its retrograde, it encourages reality check, revealing truths that might be harsh but needed. It rips off the illusions that we may have, showing us that facing an ugly truth is often more beneficial than holding on to a beautiful lie. You have to remember that just because something feels good doesn’t mean it is good for you.

Also, Saturn is retrograde in the sign of Pisces, which suggests that we may get to encounter some significant tasks that require attention, providing us a chance to organize ourselves accordingly.

When Is Neptune Retrograde?

Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, started its retrograde on July 2. It will continue until December 7 this year. The retrograde occurs in the final degrees of Pisces from 29 degrees to 27 degrees, bringing the energy to the closure.

What Happens During Neptune Retrograde?

When Neptune is retrograde, it is tougher to ignore challenges in the areas of life that the planet influences. You will have to face reality, which can be exhausting, however, it helps in growth.

During this period, you are cosmically encouraged to question yourself whether your current actions are aligned with your big dreams. Basically, over the next five months, it is time to be honest with yourself and face reality. It is also a time to reflect on what you truly want in life and evaluate whether you are working towards your goals.

This phase is all about giving shape to your vague dreams, and solidifying idealistic concepts or letting it go. Well, this won’t always be easy, as separating fiction from reality can be shocking and disappointing. But you might have to be grateful that you now know what reality is and are no more in the world of imagination.

The positive impact of this retrograde is that this phase will guide you with initial actions if you are struggling to move forward or holding back a dream. The key lies in how you interpret and respond to this.

Who Will Be Affected By Neptune Retrograde?

Though everyone will be affected during Neptune retrograde, the mutable signs, Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius will be influenced more.

What You Should Focus On During Neptune Retrograde?

Here is what you should focus on, during this phase:

  1. During this period, your goal should be to set boundaries and maintain your own standards with the people around you.
  2. You should focus on cleansing your aura. Meditate regularly and reflect on your inner beliefs and feelings.
  3. Revaluate your goals or dreams. Identify and realign unrealistic expectations with your true purpose and values.
  4. Be it relationships or work or anything personal, know your boundaries, set a limit to help maintain balance and prioritize your well-being.
  5. Practice journaling, creative arts or spend time in nature. Trust your intuition as it might help you in making decisions that feel true to yourself.

What Can You Manifest During Neptune Retrograde?

This phase will remind you that true healing and transformation will happen only through honest self-reflection. This is a great time to meditate, heal and connect with yourself. It is time to reassess dreams and goals. Focus on manifesting clarity and realistic goals.

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