Mercury Retrograde August 2024: Its Impact On Your Zodiac & What You Should Do

by | Aug 5, 2024 | Wellness, Lifestyle

Mercury Retrograde August 2024: Its Impact On Your Zodiac & What You Should Do

by | Aug 5, 2024 | Wellness, Lifestyle

Mercury retrograde is believed to cause chaos and confusion, affecting mood and actions. From falling out with friends to not feeling quite right- you can feel many things during this period. While in 2023, there were three retrograde periods, 2024 will see Mercury retrograde four times.

Mercury retrograde is the time to slow down and think deeply about the messages from the planet Mercury. In Greek mythology, Mercury is known as the “Messenger of the Gods”. It the planet that is associated with all forms of communication, travel, technology and transportation and impacts them all.

When Is Mercury Retrograde Happening?

Mercury will go retrograde from August 5 to August 28. It starts its journey from the zodiac Earth sign Virgo and travels to Fire sign Leo after August 14. During this period, you will have to be extra careful about your romantic relationships and do everything that you can to prevent any misunderstandings. The pre-retrograde shadow begins on 16 July and will end on September 11.

What Is Mercury Retrograde?

For three to four times a year, Mercury goes on retrograde for about three weeks at a time. It moves at a slower pace than usual and seems to move backwards from our standpoint on Earth. During this time, from communications and transportation to technology, everything gets affected, making them a bit chaotic and slow. Traffic might get worse or emails might get lost! And these moments can be irritating. However, this phase offers a chance to reflect and make improvements.

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Mercury influences not only how to express ourselves, but also how we think. When it moves backwards, it gives us a chance to prioritise inner work and revisit the past. This will help in productivity and motivation when Mercury starts moving forward again.

Pre And Post-Retrograde Shadow Periods: Mercury Retroshade

Well, this doesn’t end as we get to see pre and post Mercury retrograde shadow effects as well. So, what’s this?

Prior phenomena that is, two weeks before the retrograde is called pre Mercury retrograde shadow, while after it ends it is called post-retrograde shadow.

During the pre-retrograde shadow, as it prepares for the retrograde, Mercury slows down and this is when you can notice issues that get prominent during the retrograde. However, during the post retrograde shadow, that is when the retrograde ends, Mercury speeds up and things will begin to settle down.

These periods are perfect time to reflect on recent issues and focus on yourself.

This is the time to be patient and prepare yourself ahead for the rest of the year, by the time post-retrograde shadows end, you could find yourself in a much better place.

Mercury Retrograde August 2024: How It Affects Virgo And Leo?

Mercury Retrograde, this August, begins under Earth sign Virgo and then moves into Fire sign Leo. Although during retrograde, all signs will feel the effect in one or other way, Virgo and Leo particularly will be impacted more, as the retrograde happens in these signs. Here’s how this might affect these 2 signs.


Virgos needs to keep aside their tendencies to perfectionists or you might just explode! If things go messy in your life due to a project at your work or having disagreements with friends, try to stay calm and handle it as best as you can. Since the retrograde is occurring under your sign, you might feel more self-conscious than ever. So make sure to check in and stay grounded.

During this Mercury retrograde pre-shadow period, which emphasizes on your physiological well-being and intuition, it is advisable for you to stay true to yourself and reflect on what changes you might need to make you feel your best.

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When this retrograde moves to Leo, it’s usual confidence will become stronger. But be careful. Although being assertive is good, during this period, communication can become unusual and because of this, it might lead to misunderstandings. Even though you might feel it’s the right time to have that difficult conversation that you have been avoiding, take time to think about it and evaluate how you might come across it. To avoid any misunderstanding, be mindful of your words and stay away from gossip that doesn’t serve you.

Mercury Retrograde 2024: How Will It Affect The Zodiac Signs

You might wonder why people freak out during Mercury retrograde! Well, it’s because the planet rules communication and during retrograde, it is believed that it might cause disruptions or challenges that can lead to misunderstandings or problems.

During this period, as mentioned earlier, Emails can get lost, there might be disruption in travel, astrologers also feel that there might be changes in friendships (might have a fallout), headaches, anxiety, brain fog and uncertainty around work or personal projects.

The retrograde might have a negative impact on relationships due to communication- you might fight, argue or even struggle to talk. One of the reasons for the same is overthinking about things more than we usually do during this phase.

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For those who believe in astrology, they might feel stressed or anxious thinking about their relationship. If your partner does not show understanding, it might be because of this phenomenon. Even if you don’t believe in astrology, it’s better to be mindful and tolerant.

Mercury retrograde can also affect your mood, hence resulting in brain fog or stress. During this period, you might say wrong things or you might take things in the wrong way. A small misunderstanding can lead to argument and you might think that things are out of control.

What To Do During Mercury Retrograde?

    This retrograde will affect everyone in a different way. Here are some of the ways you can handle or calm yourself.

    • Don’t panic, get adapted to the shift, as stressing over issues won’t change anything. Calm down.
    • Hold on, if you want to have any major conversations, as this phase can create misunderstanding, which might have a long-term impact on you. When Mercury is back to normal, you can think about solving it.
    • Change your communication approach. Instead of jumping the guns, review things carefully and be mindful about your words. Listen carefully to avoid any misunderstandings. If you think that you land in trouble with emailing or messaging, consider switching it to face-to-face conversations.
    • Be flexible. Have backup plans.
    • Reflect on what you spend your time and energy on. You might get caught up doing things which you don’t want to do or overworking neglecting your family. Balancing things is important.

    When Is The Next Mercury Retrograde?

    The last mercury retrograde of 2024 will be under Fire sign Sagittarius, which begins on November 25 and ends on 15 December. The pre retrograde shadow will begin on 7 November and the post-retrograde shadow period finally ends by 2 January 2025.