Chiron Retrograde In Aries 2024: What to Expect and How to Heal

by | Aug 5, 2024 | Wellness, Lifestyle

Chiron retrograde is a period for personal growth, as it allows us to confront unresolved issues and find new ways to heal and transform past emotional, psychological, or spiritual wounds. Known as the “wounded healer” in astrology, Chiron typically goes retrograde for around five months, once a year. In Greek mythology, Chiron was a centaur and demi-God. He was unique from others.

Usually, most centaurs are violent, but since Chiron was born into the family of celestial gods, he was skilled in healing. Later, he was shot by a poisoned arrow by Hercules. However, being a demi-god, he couldn’t die and was doomed to roam around in pain. Ironically, he couldn’t heal himself but was seen healing others, hence, he was called “wounded healer”.

As per astrology, Chiron represents the wound we carry from childhood experiences as adults. It also shows how we use our knowledge of these wounds to heal others.

When Is Chiron Retrograde 2024?

In 2024, Chiron will retrograde from July 26 to December 29 in Aries. We focus on improving our lives when Chiron is directly in Aries. During its retrograde, it will make us focus on self-discovery and take accountability for matters.

Chiron travels backwards in our charts during this period. This retrograde is slow. For those born between May 1973 to April 1975, this retrograde will affect your Chiron in Aries. Although during this phase old wounds might resurface, it will help you reassess and renew your approach of dealing with wounds. This is a chance for you can to grow and heal.

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Which Zodiac Signs Will Be Affected The Most During This Retrograde?

Although during this time, all zodiacs might feel emotionally strained as they talk about some intimate and loaded topics with their loved ones, those with strong placements in cardinal signs (Aries, Capricorn, Libra or Cancer) will be affected intensely. This means, these signs need to learn how they express themselves and might have to address deep wounds related to their personality.

So, the retrograde will be direct for cardinal signs, but other signs will also be affected in different ways. How this transit will affect you might depend on where “Chiron in Aries” falls in your birth chart.

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How Chiron Retrograde Will Affect Zodiac Signs?

Here’s how retrograde of Chiron in Aries will affect the zodiac signs.


Since Chiron retrograde is happening in your sign, it will have a strong impact on you. This period might not be easy for you, as you might question everything and feel self-doubt. It is a time to reflect on recent experiences that shook your confidence or made you doubt your potential. Stay positive and be optimistic, have courage and reflect the energy of your ruling planet Mars. Meditate, focus on your needs and figure out future steps that you wish to take.


You have been ignoring your feelings, and now you realise that you can’t hide them forever and might erupt like a volcano at some or the other point in time. Be honest with yourself to move forward and to be free from pain. This period will give you a chance to heal on your own without needing any closure from others and move ahead without ignoring your feelings. You might want to spend time alone, but do not isolate yourself, instead go on a solo trip, where you can be around people and need not directly interact with them.


You might feel some insecurities about fitting in a group or community. Think about people around you with whom you can be yourself. It is also a good time to reflect on how you feel about the time you are spending on social media. This period makes you realise that you need to take a break from social media.


You might have doubts about your career, ambitions or aptitude. During Chiron’s retrograde, you will stick to your future goals and achieve anything you want. Focus on your professional growth instead of helping others to succeed. It is also important to focus on your spiritual growth.


It’s time to open your mind and consider your “ifs”. Being a fixed sign, it might be tough as you hold strong beliefs. But, sometimes it is okay to consider change when you get new information that supports a new perspective. This, in fact, is a sign of growth. Traveling, reading, questioning will help you liberate and grow. This retrograde will help you move forward fearlessly.


The retrograde could be intense for you as it will affect the eighth house of karma, debts and transformation. You may have to let go of something or forgive someone, allow yourself to be free from the burden of a grudge. You will also begin to realise that dominating people you love isn’t good for the growth of relationships. Give some space to your partner.


This retrograde might affect your relationships. Relationships have the power to heal and transform you or even vice versa. Your past experiences might help you find ways to handle current relationships. You have to remember that you can create the connection that you desire only if you focus on it and care for the people involved in it. Your insecurities might be getting your way from sharing your feelings with your partner, but now is the time to speak up. You might be stuck in pleasing people or the things you are doing to your partner might not be reciprocated, in either case, you have to take some time to explore the origin of your behaviours.


You may not feel that your feelings are being reciprocated even after giving time and energy to others. Make sure that your time and efforts are met with mutual respect and understanding, so that you are being honoured for your compassionate nature. This period will help you draw personal boundaries between your loved ones.

Focusing on your physical and mental health is crucial during this time. It is a good time to rest and spend some time with nature or even pets.


During this period, you might find yourself feeling deprived of joy because of prioritising others’ needs. It is important for you to set boundaries, take the much-needed break and spend time doing things that you are passionate about.


You might feel like you are a weaker party or underprivileged, but you are not. This retrograde will help you see your worth through the eyes of your peers and family. It will boost your self-esteem. All you need to do is recognise the people who truly care about you, and once you do this, you will not feel that you are being taken for granted and notice wonderful opportunities, ventures and friendships.


Words don’t just hurt; they heal as well. All you need to know is how to express your feelings, which can be challenging as you are not comfortable sharing them. However, learning how to communicate. The more confidence you build to share, the better you will feel at the end. Better communication will make you feel heard, recognised and appreciated. Be open and receive the love that you crave for or desire.


Stop feeling bad about your success and enjoy the wealth and rewards that you have earned. Don’t let jealousy of people bring you down. If any of your friends or family have an issue and they take it out on you, instead of passing their insecurities on you, they have to check their attitude. During this period, you will find standing against people who create unnecessary drama in your lives and protecting yourself.

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