Niacinamide For Enlarged Pores: Everything You Need To Know

by | Sep 7, 2024 | Skin, Beauty

Pores are an important feature of the skin and they are almost invisible at first glance; but when they seem to appear enlarged, you can end up with what many internet users call ‘orange peel skin’ texture. Enlarged pores basically make your skin look dotted or pitted and can make you susceptible to even more skin concerns like acne and clogged pores.

That being said, enlarged pores are very common and completely normal, even if social media filters try to fool you into believing otherwise. There is no such thing as poreless skin, but treating enlarged pores is necessary, especially if you want to maintain a clear visage. So, if large pore size is what you want to get rid of, we have just what you’re looking for.

Enlarged pores can easily be reduced with the help of a popular skincare ingredient called niacinamide. Read on to find out everything you need to know about Niacinamide for enlarged pores and how it is a highly effective solution that helps to reduce pore size and improve overall skin texture.

What Are Pores?

Pores are microscopic holes or openings on your skin that house hair follicles. Thanks to sebaceous glands located right beneath these openings, the skin’s pores allow sebum to exit the body through the skin along with old or dead skin cells. Since the skin is the largest organ of your body, pores exist all over the body and not just the face.

What Is The Function Of Pores On Skin?

Pores exist so that your skin can cool itself down by releasing natural oils and sweat from your glands to lubricate the skin. Pores also help expel toxins and pollutants and allow your skin to breathe. For these reasons, pores are an important and identifying feature of the skin. This also makes one thing very clear that no person has poreless skin, no matter what social media filters try to portray.

Causes Of Enlarged Pores

Since pores are generally very tiny, they are almost invisible to the naked eye. But if you feel like your pores are quite larger than normal and you feel like the enlarged appearance of your pores is making your skin look unhealthy, here are a few reasons as to why that may be the case.

Excess Sebum Production

Whether your skin type is normal, dry, combination, sensitive, or oily, you have pores that produce sebum. But some skin types produce more sebum than others and that’s the reason why the pores on such skin types can appear to be enlarged. This means anyone with oily and combination skin types are more prone to having enlarged pores because these skin types tend to produce excess sebum and oils than people with dry to normal skin types.

Loss Of Skin Elasticity

As the skin ages, it can lose its elasticity and that can cause the appearance of enlarged pores. When the skin has lost elasticity, it tends to look saggy and the pores gradually lose its ability to remain taut and healthy.

Sun Damage

If you thought sun damage can only cause your skin to tan or burn, you are wrong. Exposure to sun rays without protection can damage your skin cells so much that your pores visibly get affected as well. Sun damage cannot only lead to enlarged pores but also causes dark spots on the pores that worsen the situation.

What Is Niacinamide? 

A popular active ingredient, niacinamide is widely used in formulations of beauty products such as face serums, moisturizers, and even face cleansers and shampoos because it is gentle yet effective and is tolerated by all skin types.

It’s popularly used in both skincare and haircare products because niacinamide is also known as vitamin B3 or nicotinamide which is an essential nutrient for the body.

Niacinamide For Enlarged Pores & More Skin Benefits

  • Niacinamide is clinically proven to reduce the appearance of enlarged pores by targeting multiple skin concerns that contribute and cause enlarged pores at one go.
  • Niacinamide is used to regulate excess sebum production and that helps prevent enlarged pores.
  • This active ingredient helps firm up and hydrate the skin therefore reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and enlarged pores.
  • Niacinamide also fights sun damage which in turn helps maintain healthy pore size.

How To Use Niacinamide For Enlarged Pores?

If enlarged pores are one of your main skin concerns, then using a niacinamide face serum is your best bet as it will provide targeted action. Make sure to follow it up with a moisturizer and sunscreen or else the serum will not be able to do its job effectively.

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For those of you who want to reduce pore size but have more troubling skin concerns like acne (which can be a result of having enlarged pores), you can choose to use an acne treatment serum on clean skin and then follow it up with a niacinamide infused moisturizer to clear up the pimples and reduce pore size while at it.

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Enlarged pores can lead to acne and clogged pores even on the body. So, if you feel like you are experiencing clogged enlarged pores that are leading to body acne and bumpy skin due to trapped hair in the pores, you can try using a niacinamide infused body wash and even niacinamide infused body creams to help sort out the situation.

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Regular use of niacinamide face serums and or other niacinamide infused skincare products will visibly reduce enlarged pores size without irritating the skin. Niacinamide is an ingredient that even sensitive skin types can agree with, so go ahead and try this remedy for enlarged pores right away.

featured image – ©instagram/jorjasmith_